Minn. officials to meet with Ford execs, hope to keep St. Paul plant open


Top state officials will meet with executives at Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn, Mich. Wednesday to discuss the future of the St. Paul Ford assembly plant.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty, St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and Minnesota's Commissioner of Employment and Economic Development Dan McElroy will present a variety of tax breaks that they hope will convince Ford executives to keep the plant open beyond next year.

McElroy said he's not confident Ford will reverse the decision to close the plant, but said it's important to make the state's case in person.

"They've told us that they think it's unlikely that they'll have a product for the Ford plant, but we don't give up easily," said McElroy. "There are great men and women who work there. It has a great history. We are going to make a concerted effort to sell them on the benefits of the Ford plant, but we're realistic on the challenges in front of us."

A spokeswoman at Ford said in June that the company's decision on the plant hasn't changed, but it appreciates the state's efforts to create a more favorable business climate.