On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: a roundup

  • Big Fish:The U's Presidential Search Advisory committee has more than 100 nominees to succeed Robert Bruininks. It could also appoint two to four new regents, because some won't be seeking another term.

  • Education, Inc.: USA Today slams for-profit schools, saying they "are less a business model than a scam." The Career College Association defends them, saying they don't receive a disproportionate share of student aid, as critics claim.

  • College vs. training: Washington Post columnist Jay Mathews disagrees with a teacher's essay in USA Today that suggests college is overrated, and that too many students are going who shouldn't.

  • Tech to market: The new Minnesota Science and Technology Initiative Advisory Commission is trying to find ways to commercialize University of Minnesota research in areas such as biotechnology and renewable energy.

  • The jocks are right: A study shows that students who exercise regularly in college have better grades.