Star-Tribune ad calls for Target, Best Buy to stop campaign contributions

A full-page ad in the Sunday Star-Tribune calls on Best Buy and Minnesota-based Target Corporation to stop contributions to the political action committee MN Forward.

The ad is an open letter from Washington D.C.-based Human Rights Campaign. MN Forward supports Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, who opposes same-sex marriage.

Target and Best Buy together have given $250,000 to MN Forward.

Human Rights Campaign spokesman Michael Cole said Target and Best Buy are in effect supporting Emmer's agenda.

"Certainly the democratic candidates for governor are supportive of marriage equality and we'd like to see comparable contributions to even the playing field," Cole said.

Target spokeswoman Lena Michaud said the company has heard the group's concerns.

"We are committed to doing better and we regret that we have let down any of our team members and guests," Michaud said. "So right now we are doing a lot of listening and reflecting and evaluating ways to make sure that they know the high value we place on our relationships with them."

In an e-mail, a Best Buy spokeswoman said their contribution is based solely on a desire to elect candidates with jobs as a top priority.