Liberian politican visits immigrants in Twin Cities

An official from an area of Liberia that was once home to many Minnesota immigrants is visiting the Twin Cities Saturday.

Jefferson Kamoh, a representative from Sinoe County in the west African nation, will speak with local Liberians at the Center for Families in north Minneapolis. Kamoh said Minnesota's Liberian community is the most active in the United States in its efforts to help its homeland.

"There are other Liberian communities throughout America," Kamoh said. "[But] Minnesota more than any other chapter monitors the [political] development back home."

Kamoh said he wants to update Liberian Americans on efforts to reconstruct the country after war. He said people here could be instrumental in Liberia's progress.

"The reconstruction and development of our country depends on all our citizens both home and abroad," Kamoh said. "And in a diaspora they could do well to contribute to the programs we've put in place back home to restore our country."

Kamoh said Liberian-American communities are playing a vital role in the reconstruction of Liberia after its civil war.