Medical technology continues to boost Minn. economy

A report from a national trade group shows Minnesota's medical technology industry continues to provide a healthy kick to the state economy.

The report was commissioned by the Advanced Medical Technology Association. Researchers estimated the med-tech industry employed some 27,000 Minnesotans in 2007, paying them nearly $64,000 on average.

Liz Rammer, executive vice president of LifeScience Alley, which represents MedTech companies in Minnesota, said the industry provides direct and indirect boosts to the economy.

"Good paying jobs, a growing industry. And also I think very importantly that multiplier effect," she said. "We're one of the top ten states in the whole country that benefit by the other jobs that are spun out because of the medical technology industry."

Researchers say the med-tech industry helps support some 83,000 other jobs in Minnesota.

The report was based on 2007 U.S. Census data.