Dayton severs ties with Sen. Chaudhary

DFL gubernatorial candidate Mark Dayton says he has severed all political ties with state Sen. Satveer Chaudhary, DFL-Fridley.

Chaudhary was an early backer of Dayton's bid for governor, but Dayton said he told Chaudhary they should go their separate ways.

"I left him a voice mail message yesterday morning explaining my decision," he said. "He responded and has been respectful in tone. But he obviously rightfully disagrees with my decision."

Dayton made the move after a Minnesota Senate ethics panel reprimanded Chaudhary earlier this week. The panel determined Chaudhary's end of session push for legislation to restrict fishing on a lake where he owns a cabin was a violation of the "accepted norms of Senate behavior" and a threat to "public confidence" in the Legislature.

Dayton described DFL party officials as petty and vindictive for using Chaudhary's support for Dayton's campaign against him as they consider revoking the legislator's endorsement.