Activist mothers urge release of detained hikers

Seven notable peace activists appealed to Iranian authorities Thursday for the release of the three American hikers detained in Tehran since last summer.

The seven women, all mothers, made their appeal on Mother's Day in Iran and urged Iranian authorities to show "mercy and compassion" by releasing Sarah Shourd, Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer of Minnesota.

The women include Mairead Maguire and Betty Williams, who shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976 for their efforts to end sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. Louise Arbour, a former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, is among the seven, as well as activists Cindy Sheehan, Mia Farrow, Ela Gandhi and Clara Rojas.

Iran allowed the mothers of the three detainees to visit their children May 20-21. Other than a brief phone call in March, it's the only contact the three Americans have had with their families.

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