Pawlenty has 'deep concerns' over fishing bill

Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he has "deep concerns" over several provisions in a Game and Fish bill passed by lawmakers is the closing hours of the session, but he wouldn't go so far as to say he'll veto it.

Pawlenty said on his weekly radio show that he's concerned that DFL Sen. Satveer Chaudhary, DFL-Fridley, inserted language (Sec. 54) in the bill that would have restricted walleye fishing on Fish Lake Reservoir near Duluth. Chaudhary has a cabin on the lake and called his action a "major league screw up."

Additional language in the bill would let anglers fish with two lines. Chaudhary called it a "troubled piece of legislation."

"I'm very mindful of the concerns about two lines and I'm very mindful of the concerns about the special deals that have been allegedly put in the bill and I will look at it very carefully and I'll look at it very critically," Pawlenty said.

Pawlenty has about a week and a half left to decide if he'll sign, veto or let the bill become law without his signature.