U of M to begin search for new president

The University of Minnesota board of regents will start the search process for the school's next president at its meeting later this week.

Current president Robert Bruininks' contract ends next summer. The university has already hired a search firm, and will soon appoint a search committee made up of university employees and community members.

Board of regents chair Clyde Allen said the university could name a new president as early as fall.

"It's going to have to be someone who's experienced in very large research universities," Allen said. "I certainly hope we would find someone who has some experience with not only the med school but the hospital. A president needs to know how all that operates and preferable has some experience of how it operates."

Allen hopes to see candidates from both inside and outside of the U involved in the search.

"It's going to be an interesting task but I'm confident it's also a very challenging job that will attract excellent candidates," Allen said.

Regent Dean Johnson said the next president needs to not to be able to work with donors and lawmakers to make sure the U is well-funded.

"So one has to have some feeling and sense of fundraising, you can't be fearful of fundraising, it just comes with the nature of the job," Johnson said.

The university's board of regents hopes to name a final presidential candidate as early as this fall.

Bruininks says he plans to return to the university's faculty.