Mpls. seeking private sources to fund new school fields

The Minneapolis School District will kick off an effort Tuesday to raise more than a million dollars from private sources to pay for new turf fields at two city high schools.

The district wants to replace the beat-up grass fields at Patrick Henry and Washburn high schools with synthetic turf, which would lower maintenance costs. But in an age of budget cutting, development coordinator Melanie Sanco said Minneapolis has to look elsewhere.

"We don't have the money internally to be able to do it, a new project like this," Sanco said. "And certainly we hope this project will help launch some long-lasting relationships that allow us to continue top-notch athletic facilities for all the kids in Minneapolis."

The immediate goal is to raise a $1.25 million for the Washburn and Henry fields from either private donations or grants. Sanco said if successful, it could become a model for raising money for other projects.