Living Green Expo to focus on food, politics

This year's Living Green Expo being held this weekend at the State Fairgrounds will have a new focus, on food and politics

The Living Green Expo attracts about 25,000 people each year. Until now, it's been organized by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. But last fall the agency decided to cancel the event because of budget cuts.

The Minnesota Environmental Partnership is taking over, and executive director Steve Morse said there'll be a lot of booths with information to help people make responsible choices.

"What can you do in how you buy, how you live, how you get around, what you eat, how you vote, thinking about it when you vote," Morse said.

Morse also said there will be an emphasis on local foods.

"So we're going to have chef demonstrations by well-known chefs who'll be doing cooking demonstrations during the day, local food vendors providing the food, zero-waste event, largest in state," he said. ""We're also offering opportunities for people to learn about our 80-plus members, how they can get involved with the various groups."

Also new this year: a gubernatorial candidate forum focusing on energy and environmental issues.

The event is free, all day Saturday and Sunday at the State Fairgrounds.