Ground Level Blog

Welcome to a new voice for Baldwin

You may have noticed a new name on the blog post earlier today. I'm very happy to say that MPR News has enlisted Brooke Walsh to write for Ground Level about all things Baldwin. Good food for thought today about Thomas Jefferson and who, really, people should be making decisions for.

Brooke lives in Princeton and is well tuned into the issues we've been talking about here regarding growth, planning, annexation, incorporation, preserving community values and the sense of identity in Baldwin Township. She'll be writing about those things and more, particularly tracking how folks move ahead with the Initiative Foundation's process for creating a community vision and setting priorities.

Her background includes news coverage for Thisweek newspapers covering Savage, Farmington and other communities with some issues similar to those in Baldwin Township.

Brooke's presence on the blog signals how interested MPR News is in maintaining a place where the conversation can continue. If you live in Baldwin Township, don't be surprised to hear from her, and you can always reach her by commenting on this blog or by emailing her directly at

(For readers in Todd County, MPR News' other focus so far with our Ground Level project, look for a similar addition soon.)

So, welcome, Brooke!