Bankruptcy trustee seeks U.S. marshals help in Hecker case

The trustee handling former auto mogul Denny Hecker's bankruptcy case says he needs help from the U.S. marshals to retrieve items from Hecker's home in Medina.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports Thursday that Hecker's girlfriend, Christi Rowan, has been refusing to allow the trustee's lawyer and auctioneer to enter the home.

The court documents filed Thursday ask for a court order authorizing the U.S. Marshal's Service to help them enter the house, and the trustee wants it done quickly.

Trustee Randall Seaver believes there are numerous items in the home that are subject to liquidation in Hecker's bankruptcy case, including many flat panel televisions.

A hearing is scheduled for Monday, although U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Kressel could issue a ruling without a hearing. ---

Information from: St. Paul Pioneer Press (Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)