DFL lawmakers say Vikings stadium not a priority

DFL leaders in the Minnesota House and Senate are distancing themselves from the Vikings stadium issue.

House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller both insisted Friday that a stadium funding bill is not a priority this session.

Kelliher said any legislator has the right to introduce any bill, but she doesn't see much interest right now for a stadium bill.

"They certainly are not interested in general fund tax dollars going toward any sort of stadium building right now," Kelliher said. "I mean there's not enough money for schools. There's not enough money for nursing homes. I think it really is a difficult time to even be discussing the issue."

Sen. Pogemiller said he's had no leadership discussions about a stadium bill, but he's willing to hear a bill if and when it's introduced. Gov. Pawlenty said yesterday he will not sign a stadium bill that raises taxes.