Families: 3 hikers detained in Iran aren't spies

Cindy Hickey
Cindy Hickey is shown on Sept. 22, 2009, in her rural Pine City, Minn., home. Hickey of Pine City, Minn. Hickey's son, 27-year-old Shane Bauer, was taken into custody near the Iraqi border in late July along with Sarah Shourd, 31, and Josh Fattal, 27.
AP Photo/Jeff Baenen, File

The families of three American hikers detained in Iran say a report of possible links to U.S. intelligence services is ridiculous.

Iran's English-language Press TV reported Thursday that Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi said there was credible evidence they have links to American intelligence. He says that evidence will be revealed soon.

But the families of Josh Fattal, Shane Bauer and Sarah Shourd say in a statement that their children are not spies. They call the report "totally unfounded" and "ridiculous."

The three Americans have been held since crossing the border from Iraq in July. Their families say they unintentionally strayed while hiking.

They all attended the University of California at Berkeley.

Fattal's family lives near Philadelphia, Bauer's in Pine City, Minn., and Shourd's in Oakland, Calif.

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