Measure to raise taxes to fix school rejected in Eagle Valley

Voters in the Eagle Valley school district in central Minnesota have narrowly rejected a ballot measure that would have raised property taxes to pay for building renovations.

The referendum failed by just 17 votes out of more than 1,200 cast.

District leaders wanted to raise nearly $5 million to pay for upgrades to a school in the town of Clarissa. The district also has a school in nearby Eagle Bend, which officials say isn't needed given declining enrollment.

All students would have been moved to the Clarissa building after work was done.

Superintendent Jim Madsen said the failed vote means school board members will now have to discuss whether to alter that plan.

"It's tough for a community to lose their building, or their school identity," said superintendent Jim Madsen, before the vote. "But with the enrollment numbers and the cost of operating two buildings, it's become a very difficult situation."

The district currently has approximately 310 students; preschool through sixth grades attend the school in Clarissa, grades 7-12 are in Eagle Bend.

Final Tally

YES: 624

NO: 641

Tally by polling place

In Clarissa

YES: 449

No: 239

In Eagle Bend

YES: 175

NO: 402