Ground Level Blog

More sign up to fight invasive weeds on Little Elk Lake

More lakeshore property owners have signed up this year to help battle invasive species of weeds on Little Elk Lake in Baldwin Township.

Dean McDeavitt, president of the Little Elk Lake Improvement Association, says 35 people have signed up via association meetings and the association website, about a 30 percent increase from last year.

The plan is to treat for curlyleaf pondweed in May, Eurasian water milfoil in June. McDeavitt says he thinks better involvement in association meetings and some new blood on the association board have gotten more people to sign up. There were flyers up at Ridgewood Bay, too.

McDeavitt also said about 15 people turned out on March 6 to help remove garbage and other debris from the ice before spring sent it to the bottom of the lake.