Minn. bill aims to add alcohol to U of M football

A Minnesota Senate committee voted Tuesday to undo a law that led to an alcohol ban at the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium.

University officials originally planned to sell alcohol in suites and other premium seating areas, but they went with a total ban after legislation passed a year ago required the sale of alcohol throughout the stadium or not at all.

During a Senate higher education committee hearing, DFL Sen. Sandy Pappas said that action had significant financial consequences.

"Even though some of us may not agree with their decision, I think in these times when we're cutting the University of Minnesota's budget by $36 million, it behooves us not to take away other revenue streams," Pappas said.

Pappas says last year's action cost the U of M more than $1 million.

"They had to give discounts on their suites," she said. "They had to give discounts on their premium seats; there were cancellations. So there were ramification on what we did on the floor last year."

Pappas said proceeds from stadium alcohol sales will go to an athletic scholarship fund. She said the measure will be added to the higher education policy bill.