Ground Level Blog

Todd County, aging and the numbers

I ran across another set of numbers regarding aging in Todd County.

  1. The state Department of Human Services expects that people over 65 will represent a quarter of the county in 20 years. Right now, it's about one in six. The vast majority of those over 65 in 2030 will, of course, be Baby Boomers.

  2. More than 2,000 people over 65 will live alone in the county in 20 years. That would be up from fewer than 1,300 now.

  3. And, after chatting with the women who make meals for delivery at the senior center kitchen in Eagle Bend last week, I find this an eye-opening prediction: Women between 45 and 64 -- those considered the primary caregivers -- outnumber people over 65 by about 5 1/2 to one. In 20 years, there will be fewer than 3 1/2 such women to each old person.

Will Todd County run out of caregivers? Will the nature of what care is needed change? Leave a comment.