Minnesota Orchestra earns rave reviews in New York

Osmo Vanska conducting
Osmo Vanska conducting the Minnesota Orchestra.
Photo: Greg Helgeson

In our own backyard, we might take the Minnesota Orchestra for granted. But earlier this month, Osmo Vanska and the Minnesotans played Beethoven and "Kullervo" a big, dramatic piece by Sibelius, at New York's Carnegie Hall. The New York Times called that performance "riveting" and "thrilling."

And the latest praise comes from Alex Ross in the current issue of the New Yorker. He knows orchestras, and it's been a good month for them in New York. In the past few weeks, Ross got a chance to hear to a veritable parade of world class orchestras at Carnegie Hall. After all that orchestral power Ross writes: "For the duration of the evening of March 1st, the Minnesota Orchestra sounded, to my ears, like the greatest orchestra in the world."

Alex Ross told MPR News what made that performance so special.