One attorney quits, one sticks with Denny Hecker

One of Denny Hecker's criminal lawyers withdrew from the former auto mogul's defense Monday, but the other says he'll stick with Hecker.

Marsh Halberg withdrew from Hecker's case, but attorney Bill Mauzy dropped his request to quit the case. Hecker faces more than two dozen federal criminal charges.

They relate to alleged frauds Hecker committed in financing vehicles, as well as in his bankruptcy.

Hecker has said he doesn't have money to pay defense attorneys, but Mauzy told a news conference he will get paid somehow.

"Denny is unable to pay for legal fees. I believe his friends will contribute to a defense fund on his behalf," Mauzy said.

Mauzy didn't identify any of the friends, but says he also expects Hecker will have money available from assets that are now tied up in Hecker's divorce proceedings.

Mauzy expects a trial could be six months to a year away.