New SPCO season brings new work, lower ticket prices

The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra announced Monday it's bringing in lower ticket prices, new work, and new artistic partners as part of its 2010-2011 season.

The season includes two world premier commissions, one to be performed by soprano Dawn Upshaw and one for jazz quintet and chamber orchestra. SPCO President Sarah Lutman is also excited about the arrival of former Minnesota Orchestra music director Edo de Waart and violinist Thomas Zehetmair as they begin tenures as artistic partners.

"Thomas prefers to come all three weeks at once, so he'll be in town almost like a residency for three weeks at the end of the season," Lutman said. "Edo will be here twice, two weeks one time, one week the other, with signature programming from both."

Lutman said the other is a piece by jazz composer Brad Mehldau.

"He's written a work for jazz quintet and chamber orchestra that's never been performed before and it will be premiered at the Walker Art Center as part of our Engine 401 series," she said.

Lutman said there will also be a focus on the work of Mozart during the season, including a concert performance of the opera Don Giovanni, and three programs focusing on significant years in the composer's life.

The SPCO will then perform the piece at Carnegie Hall.