Cities say they can't take more local aid cuts

Minnesota mayors and other city officials say they can't afford to pay for another state budget fix.

They're concerned that state lawmakers will target local government aid this session to help close a $1.2 billion deficit.

During a news conference at the state Capitol Wednesday, Cloquet Mayor Bruce Ahlgren said his city of 12,000 has lost more than $5 million in state aid since 2003 and will soon have to lay off employees for the first time.

Ahlgren said cities want to do their part, but not more.

"We're just asking for fairness, where K-12 maybe has to take some cut, the counties have to take some cuts and other departments, instead of just putting the burden mostly on the cities," Ahlgren said.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty will release his proposed budget fix Monday. His spokesman would not say if LGA cuts are included in those spending reductions.