State Sen. Clark kicks off campaign to unseat Rep. Bachmann

State Sen. Tarryl Clark has officially launched the 6th district congressional campaign that she started last summer.

The St. Cloud DFLer held a kickoff event Thursday at the State Capitol.

Clark is out to unseat Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann in the fall, but first she'll have to win a DFL primary.

The other DFL candidate, Maureen Reed, says she has a better chance to attract 6th district independent voters.

Clark disagrees: "I'm the one that's in office, and I've proven that you can win in a tough district where you have to bring Democrats, Republicans and independents together. That's what we've done time over time."

Clark largely sidestepped questions about her DFL primary opponent, instead focusing on Bachmann, who Clark says is not fighting for her constituents.

"Washington isn't working for Minnesota families, and neither is Michele Bachmann," she said. "Time after time on issue after issue, while I was standing up for Minnesotans, Michele Bachmann was standing up for her own personal agenda, and usually from somewhere other than Minnesota."

A state Republican party official said Clark has been on the wrong side of every tax and spending issue in the Legislature. And he said Bachmann is the clear favorite to win a third term.