Rep. Bachmann calls for new ground rules in health care debate

Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says new ground rules are needed in the debate over federal health care reform.

Democrats in the House and Senate have passed separate health care bills, but prospects for a final version are unclear. During a State Capitol news conference today (VIDEO), Bachmann said she and other Republican critics are proposing a set of principles called a "Declaration of Health Care Independence" that they want to Democrats to agree with.

"No more negotiations behind closed doors on health care," Bachmann said. "No more political bribes and payoffs going forward. No health care bill that would mean an increase in the federal deficit. No increase in any state deficits or debts, and no increase to individuals or to employers that would be in effect a tax."

Bachmann did not offer specific changes for the health care bill. She wants those issues resolved in future negotiations.