University of Minn. clerical workers fear furloughs

Clerical workers at the University of Minnesota fear job furloughs as the school faces more cuts in state funding.

Higher education officials say Minnesota colleges will likely face cuts in funding this year as lawmakers grapple with a $1.2 billion dollar budget deficit.

Clerical workers at the university worry the cuts will lead to furloughs for some of the school's 1,500 clerical workers.

Cherrene Horazuk, with the union representing clerical workers at the university, said any cuts should come from elsewhere.

"We've been facing layoffs over the past year. There have been over a hundred AFSCME members who have been laid off," Horazuk said.

Clerical workers are asking the school's leaders to cut the salaries of top-paid officials to balance the budget before they furlough lower-paid employees.

A university spokesman confirmed furloughs are one of the options being considered to help balance the school's budget, but no final decisions have been made.