Rain water won't go to waste at the new Twins stadium

Target Field
The lush green field at the new Target Field in Minneapolis, the home of the Minnesota Twins.
MPR Photo/Jim Bickal

Pentair Inc. is building and donating a sophisticated system to collect, filter, and re-use rain water at the new Twins stadium

At Target Field, the system will collect rain water in a big cistern built under the outfield. It'll filter the water to use in irrigating the field and cleaning the bleachers.

The Minnesota company makes water systems used all over the world. Randall Hogan, Pentair's CEO, says the filitration systems they're not just for desert areas.

"Even in MN where we have an abundance of water, conserving water as much as we can is an important thing to do," said Hogan. "So I think you'll see more and more focus on water conservation, water re-use in Minnesota, and it's a big deal in areas of the world that don't have enough water."

Hogan said Target Field will use half the water it would otherwise require.

Pentair is also installing filtering and cooling systems for drinking water in the clubhouse, to reduce the need for bottled water.