Today's Question Blog

Do you feel safe flying?

President Obama spoke yesterday of his concerns about airline security. Closer to home, there was a bomb scare at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. Do you feel safe flying?

Comments from Facebook:

I feel as safe flying as I do doing many other things such as walking downtown Minneapolis at night or driving on the freeway. -Lisa Nemer Noah

Of course I feel safe flying. It is simple mathematics. Getting behind the wheel of a car is much more dangerous. If I feel unsafe flying, then I should feel more unsafe driving. -James P. Berka

I can't afford to go anywhere. Safety doesn't register. -Marcia Marcia Marcia

Drunk drivers scare me more. Look at the stats. -Nedra Van Duyn

If it's your day to go, it's your day. You can't live your life worrying about some random act that might or might not occur. -Maggie Wetteland

Comments texted to MPR:

Statistically speaking, one is more likley to die while driving or from food-borne illness than from a terrorist attack or plane crash. -Angela, Santiago, MN

Scared? NO WAY! Gonna fly my family to Mexico in one week. -Chad, Lakeville, MN

I cannot afford to fly so I am grateful not to have to decide whether it is safe enough for my family. -Lindsey

Airports aren't any safer, they've just added another window-dressing of safety, but that doesn't worry me. I fly all the time and it's much safer than driving in your own hometown. -Bobak, Minneapolis, MN

I'm more scared of irrational TSA "security theater" and erosion of our freedoms than of any terrorist threat to air travel. -Josh, Shoreview, MN

I feel generally safe. It's still statistically safer than other things like ground transportation. -Elizabeth

Yes, I always have felt safe flying. I'm 17 and i flew for the first time last summer and i didn't feel like i was in danger at all. -anonymous

Flying is safe. TSA is not reacting in a planned, cohesive manner. -anonymous

I do not feel safe flying because of the fear mongering and invasiveness, not the actual threats themselves. -anonymous