US agency opposes Duluth cell tower in birds' path

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says a cell phone tower approved for construction in Duluth could be a hazard for migratory birds.

But the agency can't prevent AT&T from going ahead with plans to erect the 180-foot tower.

That's because Duluth City Council already approved a condition-use permit for the tower in November. The council met three more times without moving to revisit the decision, so City Attorney Gunnar Johnson says the issue is likely closed.

The tower would be in the path of countless migratory birds. Most fly at heights of 500 to 3,000 feet, well above the tower height, but they fly lower when winds are strong and weather is poor.

AT&T didn't immediately return a message from the Duluth News Tribune seeking comment.


Information from: Duluth News Tribune