Today's Question Blog

How satisfied are you with the Senate health care reform bill?

After months of debate and deliberation, the Senate is poised to pass its version of health care reform. It would require most Americans to carry health insurance, and would offer subsidies for those who can't afford it. How satisfied are you with the Senate health care reform bill?

Comments texted to MPR:

I'm happy to get any reasonable bill. As time goes on it will get improved. It would be better if all insurance companies and hospitals were nonprofit with strong regulation or a public option or both. -Al Nephew, Duluth, MN

I like the increased options but what controls cost? -Jeff, St. Joseph, MN

I support the health care reform. It's a start in the right direction. -Vern Simula, Duluth, MN

I'm extremely embarrassed by our political process. -Chad, Duluth, MN

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