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The Daily Digest

The Senate is scheduled to take final action on the health care overhaul bill on Christmas Eve.

The AMA supports the Senate health bill.

Here's a FAQ on the Senate health bill.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar said her husband and daughter had to do the baking as a result of the Senate votes.

The bill includes a provision by DFL Sen. Al Franken that increases the percentage of health care premiums that have to be spent on health care.

Franken defends his vote on Daily Kos.

MPR takes a look at how the bill could impact small business.

An anti-abortion group targets DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar on the health care bill.

President Obama tightens the reins on federal contractors.

The Minneapolis Fed sees a gradual recovery in 2010.

The government imposes a three-hour limit on tarmac strandings.

DFL Sen. Al Franken writes an op-ed on his provision to deny taxpayer dollars to defense contractors that restrict their employees' due process rights.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann cosponsors a resolution to "protect Christmas."

New standards for water quality and coal ash storage are pending. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Under the Dome

Several groups will protest Gov. Pawlenty's cuts to GAMC this morning.

Minnesota has the second highest increase in prison population in the past decade.

Schools face a shortfall after the stimulus ends.

Some school districts are shifting to a four-day school week.

Minnesota's exports are down 17 percent.

Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson is picked as one of "The Top Ten Lawyers of the Year."

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Newsweek interviews Pawlenty.

2010 Race for Governor

The candidates for governor say they want the Vikings to stay but say a new stadium isn't a priority. Here's where all of the candidates stand on the issue.

David Strom interviews Republican Pat Anderson.

Minnesota Brown interviews R.T. Rybak.

Rybak takes aim at Pawlenty.

DFL Sen. Leroy Stumpf backs Tom Bakk for governor.

Republican Marty Seifert targets three DFLers in his fundraising letter.

2010 Race for Legislature

A Rochester businessman plans on challenging DFL Sen. Ann Lynch.