In Ely, efforts begin to remove wolves from endangered species list

A gray wolf
A gray wolf in the wild. An effort to remove Minneosta's wolves from the federal endangered species list will get underway in Ely Friday.
Photo courtesy of the Minnesota DNR

Ely is the site of an effort Friday to prod officials into removing Minnesota's wolves from the federal endangered species list.

Ely resident Gerald Tyler organized a meeting with state and federal wolf experts after Minnesota's wolves returned to federal protection early this year because of a technical error the last time the animals were removed from the list.

Tyler said wolves around Ely are commonly seen by roadsides, or in town, and that they've lost their fear of people.

"You can drive down almost any road around Ely, and there will be a wolf standing on the side of the road," he said. The wolf doesn't run. It looks at you and yawns ... I don't think anyone wants that. You know, they're wild animals."

He said the first step to managing the wolves is ending federal protection.

"We need to urge the Fish and Wildlife Service to start the process and issue the notice of intent to de-list," he said.

Deer hunters have also complained of a diminished deer herd and encounters with wolves in the woods. The panel discussion opens at 10 a.m. Friday in the Grand Ely Lodge.