Sasquatch watch: Camera near hunting shack captures strange creature

Casey Kedrowski's trail cam caught this image of a tall, fuzzy creature near his family's hunting shack in Remer, Minn..
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Casey Kedrowski has seen wolves and bobcats on the game trail camera he and his brother Peter set up every year outside their family's hunting shack in northern Minnesota.

But while reviewing tape ahead of deer hunting season this year, both thought the other was playing tricks when they saw a big, fuzzy creature on two legs walk across the screen. Could it be a Bigfoot?

The dark image couldn't be a bear. If it was a person, he'd have to be 7 feet tall, according to measurements done by comparing the image to a nearby tree.

"It didn't look like either of them," Casey Kedrowski said, adding that Bigfoot was the next thing he thought about. "We all kind of had the idea in the back of our minds but we didn't want to go and say 'Bigfoot,' because I've never seen one."

Nevertheless, Casey's father Tim contacted Tom Sherman and Bob Olson, members of the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team. Sherman has said he thinks the Kedrowskis captured a Bigfoot on camera outside the hunting shack north of Remer.

Casey Kedrowski, 20, said he and his family doubt if Bigfoot even exist. But Kedrowski admits he's a little less skeptical than he used to be.

Here's why: The creature looked fuzzy like a bear, but its arms didn't match what a bear would look like. The other possibility would be a hunter wearing a fuzzy suit, but Kedrowski said that didn't seem likely either. Besides the fact that the Kedrowskis, who live in Rice in central Minnesota, have never seen a 7-foot-tall person in the northwoods, the camera captured the image after dark and the creature wasn't holding a flashlight or bow.

The family also asked all of their neighbors if they had gone near the camera on the night of Oct. 24, and no one had.

Kedrowski said deer hunting season felt a little different this year, although he tried not to think about the creature they had picked up on camera. "The less I thought about it the better," he said.

Sherman and his Bigfoot research partner Bob Olson were going to keep looking into the incident, along with other alleged sightings in northern Minnesota.

Still, Kedrowski said he, his brother and father aren't ready to consider themselves believers. "I'm still unsure what it is, I guess," he said.