Gov. Pawlenty advocates combined efforts on ethanol research

Gov. Pawlenty says he hopes ethanol producers in Minnesota have the chance to work with their counterparts in South America in the future.

Pawlenty, who is currently on a trade mission in Chile and Brazil, told reporters in a conference call Thursday that he hopes researchers in the U.S. and in South American countries can help usher in the next generation of ethanol technology.

"Ethanol, I think, is going to be a global commodity in the not too distant future," Pawlenty said. "As that future unfolds, it's in everyone's best interest to have some common standards around what is the definition of ethanol in terms of content like we have for gasoline and other fuels,"

Pawlenty didn't announce any trade deals as a result of his trip but said business representatives on the mission are making contacts which could secure agreements in the future. Pawlenty also met with the Chilean president Thursday morning.

He ends his weeklong trade mission on Saturday.