Global warming resources

Many of the world's leaders believe cutting greenhouse gas emissions is the key to addressing global warming, and they're gathering in Copenhagen this month to work out an agreement on reductions.

Below are resources and links to help you understand the global warming issue and proposed legislation.

1. Congressional Budget Office testimony from October on the costs of global warming legislation.

2. Summary of the global warming legislation passed by the House in June.

3. The Midwestern Governors Association advisory group's recommendations for energy policy, with information on unique challenges Midwestern states face.

4. Information about Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act, which set conservation and renewable energy mandates.

5. UNFCCC: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UN's climate convention constitutes the framework for international cooperation in combating climate change.

6. IPCC The United Nations Climate Change Panel or IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was established in 1988 by the special UN organizations for environment (UNEP) and meteorology (WMO) following the Brundtland Report "Our Common Future." Its task is collating and evaluating scientific literature about climate change, its effects, socio-economic aspects and the potential for adapting to or subduing climate change.

7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's basic information about climate change.

8. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change

9. Homepage of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cophenhagen Dec. 7 -- Dec. 18 2009.

10. MPCA: Basic information about climate change from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency