The Jacob Wetterling abduction

Imagine a world without sexual violence

Patty Wetterling
Patty Wetterling is founder of the Jacob Wetterling Foundation for child safety education and a former congressional candidate from St. Joseph, Minn.
MPR File Photo

By Patty Wetterling

Twenty years ago I knew nothing about sexual violence. After my son Jacob was kidnapped, I learned quickly that the motive behind child kidnapping is most often sexual violence or exploitation. Who would do that? Who would sexually harm a child?

The answer is complicated, but I now know that the environment matters.

Twenty years ago, the community's response to Jacob's kidnapping was as it should be. Minnesota collectively put its foot down and said "no more." We enacted legislation and improved training for police and response protocols. We have made a real difference in our ability to respond to this crime effectively.

Now it is time to stop sexual violence from happening before it starts. It is time to address the environment that feeds sexual violence in order to inoculate our culture against it.

What causes people to harm others sexually? How do we produce human beings willing to exploit positions of power to cause sexual harm? How can we promote gender equity and respect in our schools, colleges and workplaces? In our faith communities, neighborhoods and homes?

It starts with the environment. We live in a culture that normalizes the very attitudes we condemn. And the information about healthy sexuality that our children need to thrive is largely missing.

We sell and purchase sexualized clothing for very young children. We coach our sons about how to win a game but not how to create respectful sexual relationships. We tolerate advertising that portrays young adults as sexual objects for attainment. We give points to those who rape on video games and additional points to those who go back to murder their victims. We flood the Internet, television, music and movies with images of women who have been dehumanized, harmed or murdered for our entertainment.

Are we shocked when someone actually commits a crime or act of sexual violence? We shouldn't be. We taught them how.

In Minnesota, we have begun to imagine our lives without sexual violence.

The Minnesota Department of Health, with the support of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many community partners, has developed the state's first Sexual Violence Prevention Plan. Today, the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault and other agencies will sponsor the Minnesota Summit to Prevent Sexual Violence.

Invited leaders from business, media, government, academia, faith, philanthropy and nonprofit sectors will gather for a one-day prevention think tank. Leaders will identify actions in their sphere of influence to change the environment that fosters sexual violence.

I'm proud that Minnesota is the first state to hold a sexual violence prevention summit. Twenty years after my son was kidnapped, I find hope in our state's commitment to an environment that will allow all our children to thrive.

Patty Wetterling is founder of the Jacob Wetterling Foundation for child safety education and a former congressional candidate from St. Joseph, Minn.