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The Daily Digest

State lawmakers will get an update from the state's financial office today on debt guidelines for the bonding bill.

Finance officials will release the budget forecast this week and no one expects the news to be rosy. The Star Tribune examines the tension between Gov. Pawlenty and State Economist Tom Stinson.

Cities are bracing for a big fight over LGA.

Hibbing Taconite is sending out recall letters to its employees.

Mourners gathered to mourn a victim of the Fort Hood shootings.

Negotiations between school districts and teachers are going slowly.

A federal health bill could mean the end to the state's high-risk pool.

The Prairie Island Indian Community is speaking out against an expansion of a nuclear site on Prairie Island.

A Minneapolis to Duluth rail line proposal gets a $1 billion price tag.

The Pawlenty family opens up the Governor's Residence this week for the Holiday Season.


President Obama will hold a primetime speech on Tuesday night to announce his decision on Afghanistan.

A new Senate report said Osama Bin Laden was "within our grasp."

The White House says Iran is continuing to isolate itself after the nation indicated it would build more nuclear sites.

President Obama holds a jobs summit this week.

Food stamp usage is soaring across the country.

The Senate is set to debate a health care overhaul bill this week.

A Slate contributor says Obama may accomplish more in his first year than any other president since FDR.

Politico looks at seven stories Obama doesn't want told.

The chair of the House's top investigative committee will examine the Secret Service in light of the party crashers at the White House (who want money to tell their story).

The Secret Service apologizes profusely about the situation.

The Democrats and Republican both launch stimulus P.R. offensives.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar calls for help for small businesses.

Klobuchar also appeared on WCCO's Sunday Morning.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz will visit Waseca and Austin today.

The Christian Examiner interviews GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar may push for an increase to the federal gasoline tax.

2010 Race for governor

The GOP candidates for governor are all talking greater spending cuts.

The Minnesota Daily profiles DFL Sen. Tom Bakk.

Here's where the candidates for governor will campaign this week.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty adds another continent to his resume when he heads to South America for a Trade Mission on December 5th. He'll be out of Minnesota when former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin signs books at the Mall of America.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says it's "less than likely" that he'll run for president.

Huckabee granted clemency to a man wanted for questioning in the murder of several Lakewood County, WA police.