
Five at 8 – 11/23/09: Consider the source

Remember how daily soap operas would announce that an understudy would be dropped in right before the show? Today the role of Bob Collins will be played by Julia Schrenkler, at least on News Cut. As a bonus I'll share how I discovered the links for the Five at 8, because sometimes the source isn't the source.


Today's Rouser is in honor of Collins, as we share a love for rollicking tunes and Linda Ronstadt:

* Google search of terms Linda Ronstadt, YouTube, and Back in the USA. Chuck Berry and Keith Richards were just a bonus. Inspiration from the Linda Ronstadt picture vinyl album on my desk.

1) Speaking of sound, does audio have an inferiority complex? Crank up the volume and consider The Power of Sound:

* Hear 2.0 via RSS reader.

2) Another reason to be jealous of archeologists and conservators. Shackleton's Whisky Is Returning From Antarctic. I didn't think it was supposed to be stored in the freezer. Speaking of online archeology, The Current's Michael Wells nabbed this related MPR link.

* Both come from a Facebook string. NPR courtesy Ali Lozoff; MPR courtesy Michael Wells.

3) News organizations can race to find a local connection to a national story, but let's look at the local story from an external perspective. National Parks Traveler explains that Voyageurs National Park is slowly working to acquire inholdings.

My favorite quote about the park can be found on MPRNewsQ: Park Superintendent Mike Ward says, "It's all remarkable." I file that under "Minnesotan" in a good way.

* National Parks Traveler via RSS reader.

4) 411. At the ballpark, never start the wave. But don't let it die. Words of wisdom? It is from 1001 rules for my unborn son, Something tells me fans at the Vikings


game yesterday didn't need a rule or pep talk to rise to their feet.

* Via Twitter, @rules_unbornson; Star Tribune off their homepage.

5) Featured on the homepage: Sewers at Capacity, Waste Poisons Waterways. It is part of their Toxic Waters series. Water quality coverage isn't new, does it sink in?

I picked the two water specials at the top of my own institutional knowledge to remind you of MPR's coverage: Changing Currents, 2002 and Toxic Traces, 2005.

* Discovered on the bus, while looking at The New York Times site.


Should a public hospital have to treat anyone who comes in?

"Of course they should. The idea that health is a privilege reserved for those who can afford health insurance is appalling to me. Regardless of what county someone is from, Americans deserve to be healthy." - Posted by Josh Skaar

Share your own answer.

I'm checking on WHAT WE'RE DOING TODAY and will be sure to add it.


Midmorning: Hour one, Who pays for health care reform? It seems some economists are concerned about $800 billion price tag, taxes, and sustainability. Hour two is Talking Volumes with Stephen King and Audrey Niffenegger This Talking Volumes, hosted by Kerri Miller, was recorded Nov. 18. Get a little preview here:

Midday: TBA. Check the Midday page.

All Things Considered: How many schools will have to borrow money because of state payment shift and what does it mean for them?

We're certainly doing more, so I'll check in on the Newsroom to discover the details.