Capitol View®

Pawlenty at RGA

Governor Pawlenty has been in Austin, TX for most of the week attending the Republican Governor's Association meetings. Pawlenty, who is vice-chair of the RGA, attended a news conference this afternoon with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour and RGA Executive Director Nick Ayers.

The newser focused on why Republicans think they have a good shot at winning governor's races next year. They said the RGA has more cash on hand at this point than they spent on governor's races in 2006 (AP story).

Pawlenty, who has been out of the state all week (except for a Monday fundraiser), hasn't had a Minnesota public event on his schedule since Veterans Day (11/11). He will not be on his weekly radio show on Friday morning.

If you miss his voice, you can listen to the RGA newser here:

Thanks to KUT's Ben Philpott for the audio