Commentary: Caution needed on the sports bandwagon

The Minnesota Vikings certainly are on a roll. They're 8-1, and with each victory hopes rise across the state for the playoffs and maybe, dare we say, the Superbowl.

Meanwhile, the Minnesota Twins unveiled new uniforms they'll be wearing next season, their first in the brand new Target Field in Minneapolis.

But don't jump on the Minnesota sports bandwagon just yet!

To be a Minnesota sports fan is to ride a sine wave. One minute you're on top of the world. The next you're on a bobsled ride to fan hell. You love your team. You hate your team. You love 'em... You hate 'em... Your Homer Hanky and your stomach are perpetually in knots. Think it's a coincidence that Purple Pride is the same color as a bruise?

The Vikings are having a great season so far. But admit it. Down deep you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. The whole season rides on Brett Favre. And he's 40. He has a whole half season to get hurt yet. It's hard to watch football, cover your eyes, cheer and hold your breath all at the same time.

Your Minnesota Timberwolves turn 20 this year, and what a tradition they've built. We've had one year of expansion enthusiasm followed by 19 years of rebuilding. Oy.

And this year, the Wild have a new coach and a new system of play. They seem to be rebuilding too.

A few miles west on University Ave., the University of Minnesota can't seem to figure out why student football fans lost interest in spite of the flashy, new, on-campus stadium. And across the street at Williams Arena, they're holding their breath for the men's basketball program, which appears to have stumbled over a few legal snags right out of the gate.

Then there are the Twins and their new stadium. Everyone wants to know if gumption and the waiver wire will be enough to get our pesky lads through to the World Series next year. Everyone suspects probably not. The Yankees spend more on sunflower seeds than the Twins do on players. Real World Series winners cost real money.

Crazy Minnesota fans. We're suckers for the big morality play. All of us fall for it. Year after year. We and our teams are good. They and their teams are evil. Boo them. Yay us. Purple Pride. Twins Territory. State of Hockey. Season ticket packages start at $300.

The sine wave giveth. The sine wave taketh away. We enter the dark season of the year with hope flickering like Tinkerbell -- faintly but bravely.

So come on everybody, let's all clap even harder.