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The Daily Digest

The House Rules Committee will meet this morning to consider a resolution to help join a lawsuit challenging Gov. Pawlenty's unallotment. A hearing on the suit is also scheduled for this morning. MPR and AP have stories.

Northstar Commuter Rail is ready to roll.

A poll says 56% of those polled prefer Instant Runoff Voting.

A teacher broke the law by posting test scores.

3M chemicals are prompting new fears.

An audit found that Gov. Pawlenty's office got tech help without a formal deal.

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie tries to simplify the absentee ballot process.

Residents living downstream from Fargo worry about flood diversion plans.

The new water plant in Minneapolis has issues.


President Obama urges Congress to put off a probe of Fort Hood.

It's taking quite some time to confirm Obama's presidential nominations.

Obama pushes arms control with Russia during his trip to Asia.

He also pushes freedoms and an open internet in China.

More troops in Afghanistan could mean higher costs to the U.S.

A climate deal is postponed past Copenhagen.

A report says the health bill would reduce senior care.

Drug makers are raising prices in the wake of the health care overhaul bill.

Medicare paid $47 billion in suspect claims.

General Motors will start repaying aid by year end.

Medicare lets people compare drug costs.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar introduces a job-training bill for veterans.

Klobuchar and DFL Sen. Al Franken express concern over cap and trade legislation.

Franken also write a commentary on his service dogs legislation.

He also visited a farm in northwest Minnesota.

The Guardian profiles GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.

The federal government wants to set and enforce safety standards on transit. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Congress is going to examine the fees charged by airlines. That hurts federal tax revenues because it's not increased fares.

2010 Race for governor

Stu Rothenberg calls the race a toss-up.

The chair of the Democratic Governors Association says it will be tough nationally for incumbents.

The Legal Ledger profiles DFLer R.T. Rybak.

Republican Tom Emmer wins a straw poll at UMD.

Here's where the candidates will be this week.

Here's a fact-check on Tom Bakk.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty is out of the state for most of the week. He's in Washington D.C. today but will be back in Minnesota to raise money for a candidate for the Legislature tonight.

He's headed to Austin, TX tomorrow through Friday for the Republican Governors Association meeting.

He was also in Florida on Friday.

The Star Tribune reports that plenty of hunters aren't pleased with Pawlenty's self-described "catch and release" on the deer hunting opener.

The people who can tell us whether it was kosher or not, the Star Tribune's outdoors writers, take a pass by saying "you decide."

AP says all of the GOP candidates are jockeying early.

The Pi Press says Gov. Pawlenty is hard to pin down on health care.

AP says Sarah Palin's book goes Rogue on some facts.

Ron Paul says it's too early to decide on a 2012 run.