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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty has repeatedly criticized President Obama and Democrats in control of Congress for having to borrow to pay the bills. It looks like he may be joining them. The state's top finance official told lawmakers that the state may have to short-term borrow to meet its cash flow needs. MPR, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press and AP have stories.

The Minnesota House has a Monday hearing scheduled to discuss whether the House should file a friend of the court brief in a lawsuit challenging Gov. Pawlenty's unallotment.

The Public Utilities Commission approves a plan that would allow Xcel Energy to increase the power it produces at its Prairie Island nuclear plant, and to store more radioactive waste on site.

Xcel is also proposing a rate hike on natural gas.

The Northstar Commuter Rail line gets rolling soon. MPR says it's the first of several transit projects.

DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher proposes a panel to discuss the Vikings stadium issue.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty is in Florida today, Washington D.C. on Tuesday and Austin, TX Tuesday through Friday of next week. He's also headed to Alabama in February. Get all of the details here.

Florida Democrats want to know which Republican Pawlenty is backing in the state's race for U.S. Senate.

AP says he has stops scheduled in every Gulf state sans Mississippi.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's book confirms there were tensions with John McCain's aides.

2010 Race for Governor

MAPE backs DFLer Margaret Anderson Kelliher for governor. You can listen to the news conference here.

The GOP candidates debated the issues at a forum at Minnesota Sate University last night.

The GOP candidates will debate in Farmington on Saturday.

The Marshall Independent covers DFLer Matt Entenza's trip to Marshall.

The Star Tribune examines why Republican Pat Anderson screens with unions.


The federal budget deficit hits a record number in October.

The White House counsel will end his embattled tenure.

President Obama faces some challenges in Asia.

He also announces a forum on finding jobs.

The news comes on the same day that jobless numbers were bigger than expected.

The debate in the White House is getting fiercer over a troop increase in Afghanistan.

Obama won't make a troop decision for at least another week.

ACORN officials say the U.S. funding cut was unconstitutional.

The Business Roundtable says the House health bill could help control costs.

DFL Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is looking at a Medicare tax hike on wealthier couples.

UnitedHealth Group is urging its workers to lobby the Senate on the health bill.

The RNC health insurance plan covered abortions.

There were competing health care rallies in Rochester.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar favors the North Dakota flood diversion plan.

Klobuchar wants better preparations for a flu pandemic.

Forum Communications gets Klobuchar and DFL Sen. Al Franken to weigh in on the health care overhaul bill.

Democrats jam Republicans on the amendment put forward by Franken.

Franken hears from students about student loan debt.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz will be in Albert Lea today.

GOP Party Chair Tony Sutton rips Walz on the health care vote.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum speaks about world hunger to a U of M class.

WCCO says GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is getting more scrutiny and more attention.

2010 Race for Congress

The Cook Political Report says Minnesota's 6th "leans GOP" and the 3rd is "likely GOP."