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Rasmussen figures on Pawlenty, Bachmann, Klobuchar and Franken

A new Rasmussen Poll says 58 percent of likely voters polled at least somewhat approve of the job DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is doing while 38 percent disapprove. 50 percent approve of the job DFL Sen. Al Franken is doing while 45 percent disapprove. The poll also said 51 percent of those polled approve of the job GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is doing while 45 percent disapprove.

The poll also apparently asked questions about Gov. Pawlenty but the figures aren't included in the latest data set. Fox9 News has a contract with Rasmussen so they may be waiting to release the figures until a story runs on the figures. Talking Points Memo, however, got the figures and a majority of those polled say they wouldn't vote for him for president:

Respondents were asked: "Suppose Governor Tim Pawlenty runs for President in 2012 and wins the Republican nomination. If Pawlenty was the Republican Presidential candidate, would you vote for him?"

The numbers: Yes 42%, No 46%, with a ±3% margin of error. The poll also has Pawlenty's approval rating as governor at 52%, with 47% disapproval.