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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty, both of Minnesota's U.S. Senators and several lawmakers marked Veterans Day in Minnesota.

President Obama honors Veterans at Arlington.

Obama won't take any current war options.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar says she would "prefer" the abortion language in the Senate version of the health care bill.

DFL Sen. Al Franken has a forum scheduled on college tuition in Moorhead.

ECM says Franken's first piece of legislation provides service dogs to vets.

There are competing health care rallies in Rochester this morning.

Politico wonders whether GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann broke House rules by promoting her rally on her government website.

Bachmann tells the St. Cloud Times that the images comparing the health care bill to the Holocaust were inappropriate.

The Daily Show rips Fox News and there's a little blowback on Bachmann. Update: Fox News owns up to the issue.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley says he could support DFL Rep. Collin Peterson's climate change proposal.

Labor unions are pushing for more state aid and infrastructure spending in a new stimulus bill. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Under the Dome

A Minnesota panel will examine state budget issues this morning.

With funding at risk, the pressure builds for a deal on Central Corridor. The U of M and the Met Council set a new deadline to reach a deal.

The PUC will make a decision soon on a Prairie Island power increase.

Minnesota rolls out H1N1 vaccine with care.

KSTP covers the relocation of the big screen TVs from the Moose Lake sex offender facility to a Hastings Veterans Home.

NorthStar Commuter Rail will open on Saturday.

Secretary of State mark Ritchie discusses election policy in 2010.

Governing Magazine gives DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn an award.

The Hennepin County homeless program was scrapped amid state cuts.

2010 Race for Governor

MAPE will endorse a candidate for governor today.

The Marshall Independent covers the GOP forum in Lyon County.

Republican Michael Jungbauer quits the race.

The Minnesota Daily profiles Republican Pat Anderson.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty will speak in New Hampshire in December.

Newsweek says the DNC's attacks on Pawlenty are a metric.

The Washington Post says Pawlenty has been "Romneyesque" in recent months.

Here's Pawlenty's speech to the National Council of Churches.


Several Minnesota Catholic Dioceses chip in to reverse the Maine law allowing gay marriage.

PIM says the GOP telemarketing firm, FLS Connect, hired convicted felons.