Today's Question Blog

What’s the best way to honor veterans for their service?

Today is Veterans Day, when the United States pauses to recognize the contributions of those who have served in the military. What's the best way to honor veterans for their service?

To honor the veterans, thank them and remember the price they pay. Don't go about today as normal until you remember why and how we are free. -Kalena, Shoreview

If you really want to honor veterans, hire them. We vets have leadership and problem-solving skills that are often ignored by the private sector. -Wade, St. Joe

As a French national living in MN, I would like to remind your audience that 11/11 is a very important date for Europeans. Thank you. -Fabrice Forsans (French in MN since 2004)

Celebrate Armistice Day anniversary with Sen. Franken and vets of all eras at Brit's Pub, 6:30 Pm, specials, period music too. Details on their website. -Nancy, St Louis Park

Make sure that their needs are met, that we remain faithful to looking after them, and that they lack for nothing. -Michael Kenneth Ireland

Stop wasting the lives of current service-people on conflicts in which we have little hope of "succeeding." -Bill Wesen