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The Daily Digest

There was a mass shooting at Fort Hood that killed 13. The Austin-American Statesman is all over this story.

President Obama spoke about the tragedy.

Under the Dome

It seems like the state of Minnesota is running short of cash.

Minnesota's college grant program is short $13 million.

Minnesota is delaying business tax refunds because the state is short of cash.

As the state struggles to pay its bills, Gov. Pawlenty is proposing a constitutional amendment to limit spending. Pawlenty's own budget proposals would not have met his own threshold. KARE, MPR, ECM, the Star Tribune and the Pi Press have stories.

You can listen to Pawlenty's newser and read reaction to his plan here.

Democrats are planning a hearing on the proposal.

Gov. Pawlenty is headed to NW Minnesota today for tomorrow's deer hunting opener.

A report says Minnesota should have statewide broadband access by 2015.

Pawlenty and DFLers are arguing over debt guidelines for the bonding bill.

Property taxes are up in Minnesota.

Minnesota lawyers will pay more in fees to fund public defenders.

The Minnesota National Guard welcomes home 12 soldiers from returning from Afghanistan.


GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann leads the protest against health care reform in Washington D.C. WCCO, MinnPost and the Star Tribune have stories.

KARE says GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann shines among grassroots conservatives.

Politico says 10,000 answered Bachmann's call.

Democrats criticize Bachmann.

A dozen demonstrators were arrested at Pelosi's office.

The House Majority Leader said he health bill will pass.

President Obama touts the endorsement of the AARP and the AMA.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison said he understands some people have jitters about the public option but he compared the vote for the Civil Rights Act, to create Social Security and Medicare.

Minnesotans are due $1.3 million in unreceived tax refund checks.

Obama will sign a bill today that extends unemployment benefits and home buyers tax credit.

Senate Democrats move the greenhouse gas bill to the floor without GOP help. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

Klobuchar also wants a ban on wireless devices in the cockpit of commercial aircraft.

DFL Sen. Al Franken backs the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Obama says the U.S. must reverse course with the Indians.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz is named to a Railroad Subcomittee.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar and the White House are at odds over transportation funding.

2010 Race for Governor

R.T. Rybak forms his committee for governor.

DFL Sen. Tom Bakk wants a special session to focus on a new bonding bill.

Some of the DFL candidates squared off at a debate in Le Sueur.

All of the DFL candidates for governor back gay marriage.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

The Pi Press says Iowa will size up Pawlenty just as he sizes up the state. Pawlenty is scheduled to speak in Des Moines on Saturday night.

Pawlenty is one of the Republicans who are planting seeds in Iowa.

Pawlenty trails in a GOP 2012 poll.

The Fix says Pawlenty is having a bad week.

Pawlenty says he was in artful about his comments about Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe.

GOP12 looks at whether Pawlenty wanted to take the federal stimulus.

2010 Race for Congress

DFL Rep. Tim Walz raises money off of GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.