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The Daily Digest

A lawsuit challenges Gov. Pawlenty's budget cuts. MinnPost, MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

Gov. Pawlenty holds a morning newser with Minnesota farmers to announce a donation to Hunger Solutions.

Pawlenty says he supports an earlier primary. AP says military voting has some states in a time squeeze.

Pawlenty is also headed to Mexico in November. He spoke in New Ulm yesterday afternoon.

Negotiations continue on U of M light rail deal.

The Minnesota Supreme Court will decide if counties should pay for defense attorneys for poor people.

The forfeiture and seizure law is criticized. MPR, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

Minnesota gets $6.8 million for sewage treatment and wild lands.

GOP House Minority Leader Kurt Zellers talks about the priorities of the upcoming session.

KSTP says mistakes made in the 2008 U.S. Senate election helped change how votes will be counted in the future.


President Obama will meet with his military advisers today to discuss the strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Some Afghanistan experts say a troop withdrawal is the best route.

MPR surveyed Minnesota's delegation on Afghanistan. A majority says they want more information before making a decision on a troop increase.

Secretary of State Clinton is asking why Pakistan has not destroyed Al Qaeda.

The New York Times says Iran is rejecting a deal on shipping out uranium.

The House releases its health bill.

The Star Tribune says Congress is getting flooded with calls regarding the health care bill.

The GDP signals the recession is over.

Dozens in Congress have been under an ethics inquiry.

Attorney General Eric Holder says the Justice Department is helping Native American tribes reduce violence. He's dedicating money to make tribal lands safer. MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

Obama's citizenship director visits the Twin Cities.

China lifts its ban on U.S. pork imports.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar says credit rating changes need to be made.

DFL Sen. Al Franken says he supports the St. Cloud Airport's request for federal funding.

A bill would extend time to fund pension plans. Franken is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison introduces a same day voter registration bill.

Some members of Congress are suggesting a $150 billion "front-loaded" transportation stimulus next year. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

2010 Race for Governor

GOP state Rep. Paul Kohls drops out of the race for governor. MPR, the Star Tribune, AP and the Pi Press have stories.

Tom Rukavina racks up local steelworker's union endorsements.

Matt Entenza is headed to California to raise money.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

The American Conservative says the Vikings stadium issue could put Pawlenty in a bind.

Newt Gingrich goes after Pawlenty over NY-23.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee hasn't endorsed in the race.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin wants a $100k speaking fee for an Iowa event.