State's largest public employees union endorses Dayton

Former U.S. Senator Mark Dayton
DFL gubernatorial candidate and former U.S. Senator Mark Dayton greeted visitors recently as they filed through an Education Minnesota Professional Conference in St. Paul, Minn.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

The state's largest public employees union has endorsed DFL candidate Mark Dayton for governor.

Officials with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union cited Dayton's experience in government and as a public school teacher and social worker as reasons for the endorsement.

Mark Dayton, a former state auditor and U.S. Senator, says the union's endorsement is a big boost to his campaign.

"I worked over nine years with many many of the AFSCME Council 5 members they know me they know my commitment to government and to public service over the last 34 years, and they were looking at electability -- who did they believe had the best chance of becoming the next governor of Minnesota," Dayton said. "I'm very, very thrilled and honored that they chose me."

Saturday's endorsement from AFSCME Minnesota Council 5 is significant -- the union has about 43,000 members.

Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced this summer he wouldn't seek a third term.

More than a dozen DFL and GOP candidates have announced they're running for governor. Democrats haven't won a governor's race since 1986.