Minnesota reports 3 more deaths from H1N1

Three more Minnesota residents have died after contracting the H1N1 influenza virus, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.

The deaths occurred within the last two weeks. They include a woman in her early 60s from Martin County and two children under 7. One lived in Steele County. The other was from Freeborn County. All three victims had underlying health conditions, health officials said.

A total of 10 deaths have now been attributed to the H1N1 outbreak in Minnesota, which began in April.

The level of illness continues to increase. Many clinics and emergency rooms have treated a record number of patients in recent days. The Health Department says 230 schools reported excess absences in the past week. That's 15 more schools than the previous week.

The state's supply of H1N1 vaccine is still very limited. Until more is available, the Health Department says people should wash their hands frequently and stay home if they're sick.