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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders met behind closed doors at the Governor's Residence yesterday to discuss the upcoming legislative session. There may be a glimmer of hope for the nearly thirty thousand people who are scheduled to lose health care coverage as a result of Pawlenty's line-item veto.

Pawlenty also said he's pulling the plug on the pricey TVs at Moose Lake's Treatment Center.

Minnesota Workforce centers say more funding is needed.

A Minnesota water group will look at environmental pollution.

Six Islamic clerics who were thrown off a plane settled their lawsuit with the MAC and U.S. Airways.

An ex-DHS employee was sentenced for health care fraud.


House Democrats are introduced a health care bill that includes the public option and reduces the deficit. The CBO says the price-tag is $871 billion over ten years.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar and DFL Rep. Keith Ellison support the public option.

DFL Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken want to extend unemployment benefits.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Klobuchar and the other female senators.

Franken backs a measure that would help those with high medical debt.

GOP Rep. John Kline is seeking a hearing on the Labor Relations Board nominee.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann dismisses talk of a potential run for president.

2010 Race for governor

The DFL candidates will meet in a forum in Rochester tonight.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum backs Steve Kelley for governor.

2010 Race for Congress

Stu Rothenberg said the DCCC is targeting Bachmann but it will be a tough year for Democrats.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty's appeared on CNBC's Larry Kudlow last night. Here's part 1. Here's part 2.

Mitt Romney insists he hasn't made a decision about 2012.

Romney may be bypassing Iowa in 2012?

Marc Ambinder speculates that Pawlenty might skip it.

Oprah will interview Sarah Palin.


Go Phils. Win another World Series for Grandma!